
Nomination to the working committees is open to the entire CAPA membership. Appointees are selected based on relevant experience. They are encouraged to serve a 4-year term which is aligned with the newly elected Board, subject to satisfactory participation and contribution.


Member Development Committee

The Member Development Committee (MDC) is a working committee formed to provide input and recommendations to the Board regarding strategies and activities for CAPA to pursue consistent with the organisation’s vision and mission, with a particular focus on ‘Contributing to the development of professional accountancy organisations (PAOs)’.

The MDC is a ‘working committee’ with an emphasis on providing ideas, advice and hands-on assistance in the design and execution of agreed activities.

MDC members for the term 2024 to 2027

Andrew Conway [Chair] IPA – Australia
Dr. Adam Suess CPA Australia
Wan Wenxiang CICPA – China
Mangesh Kinare ICAI – India
Dr Ashish P. Thatte ICAI-CMA – India
Issei Aoki JICPA – Japan
Sujan Kumar Kafle ICAN – Nepal
Khursheed Kotwal ICAP – Pakistan
Chamara Abeyrathne CA Sri Lanka
Zarif Ludin ACCA – UK
Kate Holroyd-Smith ICAEW – UK


Accounting, Reporting and Assurance Coordinating Committee

The Accounting, Reporting and Assurance Coordinating Committee (ARACC) is a working committee formed to provide input and recommendations to the Board regarding strategies and activities for CAPA to pursue consistent with the organisation’s vision and mission, with a particular focus on ‘Promoting ethical values and the benefits of high-quality accounting, reporting and assurance’.

The accounting, reporting and assurance domain is broad, and includes financial and non-financial matters pertinent to private (large or small companies and accountancy firms), public and not-for-profit sectors.

The ARACC is a ‘coordinating committee’ with an emphasis on identifying matters for CAPA to consider and the appropriate approach and resources to pursue any related activities, including the formation of specialist working groups or task forces.

ARACC members for the term 2024 to 2027

Chun Wee Chiew [Chair] ACCA – UK
Amir Ghandar CA ANZ – Australia & New Zealand
Ram Subramaniam CPA Australia
Sabbir Ahmed ICAB – Bangladesh
Duan Shu CICPA– China
Shin Dong Myung KICPA – Korea
Davaanyam Myagmar MonICPA – Mongolia
Arslan Khalid ICAP – Pakistan
Sally Baker ICAEW – UK
Brian Wilson AICPA – USA


Governance and Audit Committee

The Governance and Audit Committee (GAC) is formed to provide input and recommendations to the Board regarding governance, risk management, internal control and financial reporting.

GAC members for the term 2024 to 2027

Dr. Tran Khanh Lam [Chair] VACPA – Vietnam
Satsuki Miyahara JICPA – Japan
Richard Kuna CPA Papua New Guinea