Past Events

Time: 3PM-5PM (KL)

Global financial markets and economies are best served by a resilient and flexible accountancy profession across all levels and industries. The profession in its role to serve the public interest needs to meet stakeholders’ demand for meeting every organisational need, from the most basic to the most complex, and creating pathways that improve access to the profession and attract the best talent to become the next generation of professional accountants.

ATs can create value by underpinning a strong and sustainable accountancy profession, supporting strong and sustainable private and public sector organisations, and contributing to a strong and financial markets and economies. It is important for the profession, including the Professional Accountancy Organisations (PAOs) to empower ATs with the necessary technical knowledge and practical skills and to advocate for recognition of their important role for the economy as part of the accountancy profession.

Late last year, CAPA issued a ‘Call to Action’ to strengthen the recognition of ATs. Following which the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) raised their call to action recognising the Accounting Technicians (ATs) as a vital component of a strong global accountancy profession.

Brian Blood, CAPA Chief Executive will be highlighting key points from the latest AT publication, alongside the following panelists:
1) Voravit Janthanakul (President, AFA)
2) Khun Darith (President, KICPAA)
3) Christina Earls (President, AAT)
4) Bruce Vivian (Head of Accountancy Education, IFAC)
5) Henry Ong (Chief Executive and Director, National Institute of Accounting Technician)
6) Rob Alder (Head of Business Development, AAT)
7) Chea Thourn (Education Director, KICPAA)

The session will be moderated by Aucky Pratama, AFA Executive Director.

To register, kindly click here or on the following link:

Organised by the AFA, in partnership with CAPA, Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) and Kampuchea Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors (KICPAA).

CAPA Board Retreat

Start date: 10/07/2023

End date: 12/07/2023

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The meeting dates and schedule are as follows. Please note that the sequence of meetings is tentative for the time being and may be subject to reshuffle.

10 July, Monday – Strategic Retreat
11 July, Tuesday – Strategic Retreat
12 July, Wednesday – Board Meeting

For further details of meetings, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

PSFMC Outreach & Meetings

Start date: 05/07/2023

End date: 07/07/2023

Location: Ulaabaatar, Mongolia

This is an outreach meeting of the Public Sector Financial Management Committee (PSFMC), hosted by the Mongolian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MonICPA). The 3-day planned meetings would include PSFMC internal meetings plus engagement with Mongolian external stakeholders and MonICPA’s council and related committees.

For more information about the committee and its activities, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

AGM and Members Meeting

Date: 21/06/2023

Location: Virtual

Time: 6:00PM – 8:00PM (Kuala Lumpur)


The AGM and Members Meeting will be held using an online platform hosted by the CAPA Secretariat.

Corresponding time for other time zones are as follows (* includes daylight saving time – DST).

6:00AM* – New York, Toronto
7:00AM* – Halifax
11:00AM* – London
12:00PM* – Paris
3:00PM – Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore
3:30PM – New Delhi, Colombo
3:45PM / 4:00PM – Kathmandu / Dhaka
6:00PM – Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Ulaanbaatar
7:00PM – Seoul, Tokyo
8:00PM – Melbourne, Sydney, Port Moresby
9:00PM – Honiara
10:00PM – Auckland, Christchurch, Nadi
11:00PM – Apia

For further details of the meeting, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

CAPA Board meeting

Date: 12/04/2023

Location: Virtual

This Board meeting will be held using an online platform hosted by the CAPA Secretariat.

For further details of the meeting, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

CAPA Board meeting

Date: 13/12/2022

Location: Virtual

This Board meeting will be held using an online platform hosted by the CAPA Secretariat.

For further details of the meeting, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

Board, Members Meetings and EGM

Start date: 16/11/2022

End date: 18/11/2022

Location: Mumbai, India

The following CAPA meetings and related events will be held in Mumbai, India in conjunction with the World Congress of Accountants, proudly hosted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

The meeting dates and schedule of events are as follows. Please note that the sequence of meetings is tentative for the time being and may be subject to reshuffle.

16 November, Wednesday – Board Meeting
17 November, Thursday – Members Meeting and EGM
18 November, Friday – Board Meeting

For further details of meetings, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

Governance & Audit Committee meeting

Date: 04/11/2022

Location: Virtual

This GAC meeting will be held using an online conference platform hosted by the CAPA Secretariat.

For further details of the meeting, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

[INVITE ONLY] Accounting Technicians Roundtable 7

Date: 27/10/2022

Location: Virtual

Duration: 2 hours

Accounting Technicians: Where to, from here? – a virtual meeting held on 8 July 2021 – concluded with a challenge and a goal. This goal is to examine and succeed in ‘Achieving AT Recognition’.

The Roundtable 7 is part of a ‘series of roundtables’. This is an ‘Invite-only’ event to systematically explore what is needed in reaching the goal of achieving AT recognition. In doing so, each roundtable will focus on one of these aspects:

  • a need to better define what an AT is (and therefore what an AT program looks like)
  • a need to ensure the role and benefits of an AT is recognised
  • a need to better position the AT qualification
  • a need to better understand what the future may look like for ATs
  • a need to understand the expectations of stakeholders

‘Achieving AT Recognition’ is an ambitious goal. The AT term or name has a level of general recognition (e.g. the term is used by IFAC) and by some PAOs and in some jurisdictions. Elsewhere, the type of accountant suggested under this term may be recognised by another term or name, and any related organisations that provide their studies or to which they belong, may encapsulate that name (e.g. book-keeper, administrator).

The AT project argues more attention should be given to this sector and to consider opportunities this may provide PAOs and the profession – read more here.

In comparison, ‘professional accountants’ arguably do have global recognition. These individuals have studied with, and may belong to, professional accountancy organisations (PAOs). Such accountants that offer services to the public tend to be regulated, and hence the public has a certain expectation of them.

Knowing what to expect of an AT is arguably less well understood.

CAPA Board meeting

Date: 17/10/2022

Location: Virtual

This Board meeting will be held using an online platform hosted by the CAPA Secretariat.

For further details of the meeting, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.