Past Events

Time: 08:00 (London), 15:00 (Kuala Lumpur), 17:00 (Sydney)

Duration: 2 hours

Accounting Technicians: Where to, from here? – a virtual meeting held on 8 July 2021 – concluded with a challenge and a goal. This goal is to examine and succeed in ‘Achieving AT Recognition’.

The Roundtable 4 is part of a ‘series of roundtables’, which will take place approximately every six to eight weeks until May/June 2022. Roundtables 1 to 3 are completed. It is an ‘Invite-only’ event to systematically explore what is needed in reaching the goal of achieving AT recognition. In doing so, each roundtable will focus on one of these aspects:

  • a need to better define what an AT is (and therefore what an AT program looks like)
  • a need to ensure the role and benefits of an AT is recognised
  • a need to better position the AT qualification
  • a need to better understand what the future may look like for ATs
  • a need to understand the expectations of stakeholders

‘Achieving AT Recognition’ is an ambitious goal. The AT term or name has a level of general recognition (e.g. the term is used by IFAC) and by some PAOs and in some jurisdictions. Elsewhere, the type of accountant suggested under this term may be recognised by another term or name, and any related organisations that provide their studies or to which they belong, may encapsulate that name (e.g. book-keeper, administrator).

In comparison, ‘professional accountants’ arguably do have global recognition. These individuals have studied with, and may belong to, professional accountancy organisations (PAOs). Such accountants that offer services to the public tend to be regulated, and hence the public has a certain expectation of them.

Knowing what to expect of an AT is arguably less well understood.

ACTION: If you believe your PAO should be involved and able to contribute, please contact the CAPA Secretariat with the reasons for wanting to be involved and details of the appropriate contributor.

CAPA Board meeting

Date: 27/04/2022

Location: Virtual

This Board meeting will be held using an online platform hosted by the CAPA Secretariat.

For further details of the meeting, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

Governance & Audit Committee meeting

Date: 05/04/2022

Location: Virtual

This GAC meeting will be held using an online conference platform hosted by the CAPA Secretariat.

For further details of the meeting, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

CAPA Board meeting

Date: 30/03/2022

Location: Virtual

This Board meeting will be held using an online platform hosted by the CAPA Secretariat.

For further details of the meeting, kindly contact the CAPA Secretariat.

Time: 07:00 (London), 12:30 (New Delhi), 15:00 (Kuala Lumpur), 18:00 (Sydney)

Duration: 2 hours

Accounting Technicians: Where to, from here? – a virtual meeting held on 8 July 2021 – concluded with a challenge and a goal. This goal is to examine and succeed in ‘Achieving AT Recognition’.

The Roundtable 3 is part of a ‘series of roundtables’, which will take place approximately every six to eight weeks until May/June 2022. Roundtables 1 and 2 are completed. It is an ‘Invite-only’ event to systematically explore what is needed in reaching the goal of achieving AT recognition. In doing so, each roundtable will focus on one of these aspects:

  • a need to better define what an AT is (and therefore what an AT program looks like)
  • a need to ensure the role and benefits of an AT is recognised
  • a need to better position the AT qualification
  • a need to better understand what the future may look like for ATs
  • a need to understand the expectations of stakeholders

‘Achieving AT Recognition’ is an ambitious goal. The AT term or name has a level of general recognition (e.g. the term is used by IFAC) and by some PAOs and in some jurisdictions. Elsewhere, the type of accountant suggested under this term may be recognised by another term or name, and any related organisations that provide their studies or to which they belong, may encapsulate that name (e.g. book-keeper, administrator).

In comparison, ‘professional accountants’ arguably do have global recognition. These individuals have studied with, and may belong to, professional accountancy organisations (PAOs). Such accountants that offer services to the public tend to be regulated, and hence the public has a certain expectation of them.

Knowing what to expect of an AT is arguably less well understood.

ACTION: If you believe your PAO should be involved and able to contribute, please contact the CAPA Secretariat with the reasons for wanting to be involved and details of the appropriate contributor.

Edit This

Time: 07:00 (London), 12:30 (New Delhi), 15:00 (Kuala Lumpur), 18:00 (Sydney)

Duration: 2 hours

Accounting Technicians: Where to, from here? – a virtual meeting held on 8 July 2021 – concluded with a challenge and a goal. This goal is to examine and succeed in ‘Achieving AT Recognition’.

The Roundtable 2 is part of a ‘series of roundtables’, which will take place approximately every six to eight weeks until May/June 2022. It is an ‘Invite-only’ event to systematically explore what is needed in reaching the goal of achieving AT recognition. In doing so, each roundtable will focus on one of these aspects:

  • a need to better define what an AT is (and therefore what an AT program looks like)
  • a need to ensure the role and benefits of an AT is recognised
  • a need to better position the AT qualification
  • a need to better understand what the future may look like for ATs
  • a need to understand the expectations of stakeholders
The second roundtable will discuss:
  • Outcome of Roundtable 1Why there is currently limited or no general recognition of the AT designation
  • The focus area: Imagining the Future: To explore ‘the future AT’

‘Achieving AT Recognition’ is an ambitious goal. The AT term or name has a level of general recognition (e.g. the term is used by IFAC) and by some PAOs and in some jurisdictions. Elsewhere, the type of accountant suggested under this term may be recognised by another term or name, and any related organisations that provide their studies or to which they belong, may encapsulate that name (e.g. book-keeper, administrator).

In comparison, ‘professional accountants’ arguably do have global recognition. These individuals have studied with, and may belong to, professional accountancy organisations (PAOs). Such accountants that offer services to the public tend to be regulated, and hence the public has a certain expectation of them.

Knowing what to expect of an AT is arguably less well understood.

ACTION: If you believe your PAO should be involved and able to contribute, please contact the CAPA Secretariat with the reasons for wanting to be involved and details of the appropriate contributor.

Upcoming CAPA Meetings in 2022

Start date: 01/01/2022

End date: 31/12/2022

Location: Virtual & In-Person

CAPA members, the Board and working committees normally meet in-person 2-3 times per year. However, due to uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions in international travel, it is anticipated that CAPA will continue to organise meetings and activities utilising digital technology and virtual platforms throughout most, if not all, of 2022.

The exact dates and timings of next meetings are discussed at the end of each (previous) meeting. The specific timing is dictated by a range of matters, including governance requirements or when approval, advice or input is required for ongoing initiatives, projects and publications.

As a general guide, we intend to host the following minimum number of virtual meetings, and approximate dates, for all of 2022:

  • General meetings: 2 i.e. the AGM (May) and EGM (Nov)
  • Board: 5 (Mar, May, Sep, Nov and Nov)
  • Committees: Governance & Audit: 2 (Apr and Oct), Member Development and Public Sector FM: 2 each (to be determined)
  • Groups – Audit and Ethics: 2 each (to be determined)

CAPA will continue to stage a series of webinars in 2022. The webinar program is currently envisaged to cover five streams, namely: (1) Maturity ModelTM, (2) Accounting Technicians, (3) Improving PFM, (4) Audit and (5) Ethics.

Full meeting details will be updated on this website as soon as they are available.

Time: 07:00 (London), 12:30 (New Delhi), 15:00 (Kuala Lumpur), 18:00 (Sydney)

Duration: 2 hours

Accounting Technicians: Where to, from here? – a virtual meeting held on 8 July 2021 – concluded with a challenge and a goal. This goal is to examine and succeed in ‘Achieving AT Recognition’.

This AT Roundtable 1 is the first of a ‘series of roundtables’, which will take place approximately every six to eight weeks until May 2022. These ‘Invite-only’ roundtables will systematically explore what is needed in reaching the goal of achieving AT recognition. In doing so, each roundtable will focus on one of these aspects:

  • a need to better define what an AT is (and therefore what an AT program looks like)
  • a need to ensure the role and benefits of an AT is recognised
  • a need to better position the AT qualification
  • a need to better understand what the future may look like for ATs
  • a need to understand the expectations of stakeholders
This first roundtable will aim to reach agreement on two aspects:
  • The overall goal and proposed program of Roundtables to reach the goal
  • Why there is currently limited or no general recognition of the AT designation
‘Achieving AT Recognition’ is an ambitious goal. The AT term or name has a level of general recognition (e.g. the term is used by IFAC) and by some PAOs and in some jurisdictions. Elsewhere, the type of accountant suggested under this term may be recognised by another term or name, and any related organisations that provide their studies or to which they belong, may encapsulate that name (e.g. book-keeper, administrator).
In comparison, ‘professional accountants’ arguably do have global recognition. These individuals have studied with, and may belong to, professional accountancy organisations (PAOs). Such accountants that offer services to the public tend to be regulated, and hence the public has a certain expectation of them.
Knowing what to expect of an AT is arguably less well understood.


ACTION: If you believe your PAO should be involved and able to contribute, please contact the CAPA Secretariat with the reasons for wanting to be involved and details of the appropriate contributor.

Towards a Sustainable Future Forum

Start date: 07/12/2021

End date: 08/12/2021

This Forum is organised by IFAC and the MOSAIC Steering committee to highlight the importance of PFM and supporting the public sector as it transitions to accrual or broader PFM.

CAPA is delighted to showcase our recent publications aimed at supporting PAOs who are engaging or wished to engage with the public sector. Based on the publications, our member the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka would share Insights into their strategic and operational decision-making processes, including the challenges, opportunities, and support that they have experienced throughout this journey.

To register, click here.

Time: 06:00 (Toronto) / 11:00 (London) / 16:30 (New Delhi) / 19:00 (Kuala Lumpur) / 22:00 (Sydney)

Duration: 2 Hours


For more information and to register, click on this link.

The webinar aims to provide insights from CPA Canada’s ongoing Foresight Project, including topics such as data value creation, ethical leadership and future competencies.


Who should attend from CAPA’s members?

PAO leadership (governance or management) involved in PAO strategy, innovation, education, certification and professional development.