IFAC publishes reports on the accountancy profession reflecting its link to the economy and society: Nexus 1 & 2
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) recently published two reports about the accountancy profession that reflected its importance to the economy and society. The reports, based on research by the Centre for Economic and Business Research (Cebr), are titled:
Nexus 1: The Accountancy Profession, Behind the Numbers
Nexus 2: The Accountancy Profession – A Global Add Value
Nexus 1 provides a snapshot of professional accountant’s importance to the global economy and its contribution to society. Nexus 2 examines the accountancy profession’s link to national economic growth and improved living standards. It shows the global profession’s contribution to the global economy and the opportunity to further strengthen the profession as a unified voice.
CAPA encourages all professional accountancy organisations (PAOs) to read the reports and understand the figures. ‘The information presented is very interesting and may provide ideas for PAOs to increase the value of the profession in their jurisdictions or consider improvements within the PAO itself,” said Brian Blood, CAPA Chief Executive.
For copy of the reports, visit the IFAC website at:
Nexus 1: https://www.ifac.org/publications-resources/nexus-1-accountancy-profession-behind-numbers
Nexus 2: https://www.ifac.org/publications-resources/nexus-2-accountancy-profession-global-value-add