Strengthening CPD Systems – A Toolkit for PAOs
The Confederation of Asian & Pacific Accountants (CAPA) is excited to announce the launch of a CPD Systems Toolkit, and an associated guide and training video, following the completion of a World Bank funded capacity building project.
The Toolkit, an online application, is now made available to all professional accountancy organisations (PAOs) around the world seeking to strengthen their continuing professional development (CPD) systems. The Toolkit is supported by a training video and a CPD Systems Guide that has received the endorsement of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
The Toolkit was designed by expert consultants as part of a project focused on improving CPD systems in three Asian member PAOs, namely, the Mongolian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MonICPA), the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) and the Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA).
The CPD Systems Guide is part of the Maturity Model™ Guidance Series – a series of publications to support the Maturity Model for the Development of Professional Accountancy Organisations™, which provides a roadmap for organisational growth based on the measurement and improvement of practices and processes. The Model comprises sixteen key success areas (KSAs), including CPD, across four broad characteristics of sustainability, relevance, professionalism and member value. Projects are underway to develop materials for other KSAs and these materials will ultimately form a complete Guidance Series to accompany the Maturity Model™ main publication.
CAPA President, Jackie Poirier, expressed her appreciation to the three PAOs for their involvement in the project. “The feedback provided by the three PAOs during the CPD systems design phase and testing of the Toolkit during implementation proved extremely valuable,” she added.
CAPA Chief Executive, Brian Blood, expressed his appreciation to the consultant – a joint venture between Accounting & Auditing Reform Consultants and ACCA, a CAPA affiliate member. “We are very grateful for being approach by the World Bank to undertake this project and the experience of working with a donor agency and consultants will be very useful when CAPA undertakes similar projects in the future,” he commented.
For an overview of the Maturity Model™ and the CPD Systems Toolkit and Guide, watch the following introduction video now or read this flyer.
To access the CPD Systems Toolkit, Guide and training video, go to this section: PAO Development > Maturity Model Guidance Series > Continuing Professional Development.
CPD Systems Introduction Video from CAPA Ltd. on Vimeo.